

Image from Touched by Strangers series by Yutaka Kitamura and Alexander Reeder.
by Yutaka Kitamura and Alexander Reeder. From “Touched by Strangers” series.

The act of opening has its own special kind of beauty. When you witness something opening up, whether it’s a door, a window, a mind, or a world, you can’t help but be moved to open up a bit more yourself. You can’t help but feel new energies -- whether they rush, trickle, or seep in.

Yellow lilies bloom in timelapse GIF by Yutaka Kitamura and Alexander Reeder.
GIF: by Yutaka Kitamura and Alexander Reeder. From “Touched by Strangers” series.

Perhaps the most beautiful opening to witness visually is that of a flower. Yet it is hard to see a blossom in-process of blossoming. Sure, we’ve all seen the time-lapse photography of a bud becoming a fully flounced rose, but no matter how many times we see it, we are awed.

Red-striped white amaryllis blossoms open in GIF by Yutaka Kitamura and Alexander Reeder.
GIF: by Yutaka Kitamura and Alexander Reeder. From “Touched by Strangers” series.

Japanese artist Yutaka Kitamura became fascinated with the openings of flowers. She began to capture them in time-lapse video. Then she paired with artist Alexander Reeder, and, together, they created a series of time lapse GIFs of flowers opening up to our view, entitled Touched by Strangers.

The artists paired the GIFs with poetry on their site:

Beautiful deep red flower opens in time lapse GIF by Yutaka Kitamura and Alexander Reeder.
GIF: by Yutaka Kitamura and Alexander Reeder. From “Touched by Strangers” series.

“I sit before flowers hoping they will train me in the art of opening up.”

Beautiful white freesia flowers bloom right before our eye. GIF by Yutaka Kitamura and Alexander Reeder.
GIF: by Yutaka Kitamura and Alexander Reeder. From “Touched by Strangers” series.

"I stand on mountain tops believing that avalanches will teach me to let go. I know nothing but I am here to learn." 

– Shane Koyczan

Beautiful deep pink flower opens in the stunning time lapse image. GIF by Yutaka Kitamura and Alexander Reeder.
GIF: by Yutaka Kitamura and Alexander Reeder. From “Touched by Strangers” series.

Time lapse lets us see processes that we normally can’t see. But it also emphasizes the brevity of life -- a bud opens to flower to decay all within a moment.

Flowers opening timelapse from David de los Santos Gil on Vimeo.

Video: by David de los Santos Gil. Flowers opening timelapse.

Flowering 2009 HD (touched by strangers) from GOmotion on Vimeo.

The Touched by Strangers video shows Kitamura and Reeder’s work as a performance piece. The audience controlled the bloom of the flowers by interacting with garments worn by dancers.

Delicate blue flower blooms right before our eyes. GIF by Yutaka Kitamura and Alexander Reeder.
GIF: by Yutaka Kitamura and Alexander Reeder. From “Touched by Strangers” series.

They searched for flowers that would open fast: lilium, hibiscus, carnations, orchids, dandelions, lilies, daisies, alstroemeria, peonies, and nigella damask.

Beautiful deep purple bloom opens before our eyes. GIF by Yutaka Kitamura and Alexander Reeder.
GIF: by Yutaka Kitamura and Alexander Reeder. From “Touched by Strangers” series.

The opening blooms are set against a stark black background, giving them the feel of both an old masters still life and an of-the-moment edge. The contrasts in both color and style, in each piece is stunning.

Check out more Touched by Strangers GIFs here.

Beautiful white flowers slowly come to life. GIF by Yutaka Kitamura and Alexander Reeder.
GIF: by Yutaka Kitamura and Alexander Reeder. From “Touched by Strangers” series.

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Beautiful white and red lily. mage by Yutaka Kitamura and Alexander Reeder.
Image: by Yutaka Kitamura and Alexander Reeder. From “Touched by Strangers” series.

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