Nature Science


Still from Slow Life by Daniel Stoupin.


Slow life has its own special beauties and holds its own set of secrets.

It’s ironic that you have to speed things up to see slow things better. We love to watch time lapse images. And PhD student Daniel Stoupin’s Slow Life is one of the most beautiful time lapses we’ve seen.

Stoupin spent almost 9 months documenting slow moving life under the sea, with 150,000 individual HD macro photographs, focus stacked in sets of 3 to 12, in series to create this incredible video.

Stoupin reveals how creatures like corals and sponges -- who, to the naked eye, appear not to move at all -- are actually extremely mobile. 

Stoupin became fascinated by the living things that move exceedingly slowly and set out to unlock the secrets held within them.

“When I first heard about this type of ‘slow’ existence I realized how little separates the part of the universe that we classify as life and inanimate one’” explains Stoupin on his blog

“My time-lapse inspired imagination started drawing unusual scenarios in which one can start perceiving a bacterium that divides once every 10000 years as alive. At such rates you could see mountains rise, landscapes flow like waves in the ocean, and patterns of night sky change as stars revolve around the center of the galaxy.”



This video is not only beautiful to watch, it is important to watch and share. We need to do better at protecting fragile reef environments.

The video’s gorgeous soundtrack is a piece called Atmostra III by Cedric Baravaglio, Jonathan Ochmann and Zdravko Djordjevic.

For prints and more incredible photography, check out Daniel’s official website Microworlds Photography.

For more amazing time lapse images of slow things, check out our post Naked Beauty Out Loud, featuring Louie Schwartzburg’s incredible video.


Read more about Beautiful Slow, as they relate toArts/Design,Nature/Science,Food/Drink, Place/Time,Mind/Body, and Soul/Impact including A Beautiful Slow Small World Now.

Enter your own images and ideas about Beautiful Slow in this week’s creative Photo Competition. Open for entries now until 11:59 p.m. PT on 02.22.15. If you are reading this after that date, check out the current BN Creative Competition, and enter!


All photos by Daniel Stoupin. Stills from Slow Life.