Nature Science


Bright red Flamboyant Tree flower.
by Yash raina. “Gulmohar (Delonix regia) flower.” New Delhi, India.


A lush massive crown of bright red flowers punches through the summer sky and it’s easy to see why this is called a Flamboyant Tree. Also known as a Flame Tree or a Royal Poinciana, among other local names, its scientific moniker is Delonix regia.

Always a stunning sight, Flamboyant trees are endemic to the Madagascar, but have spread  into tropical and subtropical regions worldwide -- we’ve enjoyed them in countless places in our travels. In the wild this tree is endangered, but it is widely cultivated elsewhere, prized not only for their striking looks, but also for their shade.

The flowers are large, with four spreading scarlet or orange-red petals up to 8 cm long, and a fifth upright petal called the standard, which is slightly larger and spotted with yellow and white. The pods are dramatic when they are mature, as they can be up to 60 cm long.

Flamboyant Tree in full bloom with wide-spreading crown of flowers.

In the US, you can find Flamboyant trees growing in Florida, Texas, and Hawaii. Find even more in the Caribbean, including the Bahamas, Cuba, Haiti, U.S. Virgin Islands, Curaçao, Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico. These beautiful trees are featured often in local artwork.

The town of Peñuelas, Puerto Rico is nicknamed "El Valle de los Flamboyanes" ("The Valley of the Poinciana Trees"), where many Flamboyant Trees grow along the banks of the Río Guayanes, Río Macana, and Río Tallaboa rivers.

Honeyeater bird perches in a blooming Flamboyant Tree.

In Central and South America, you can find Flamboyant Trees in Nicaragua, Mexico, Paraguay, Brazil, and Peru.

In Europe, Flamboyant Trees brighten the southern coast of Spain and the Canary Islands.

Head to the South Pacific to find these red-headed beauties in Australia and Guam. Head east to find them in India, Bangladesh, Hong Kong, Thailand, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, and China.

Red flowers in heavy bloom on a beautiful Flamboyant Tree in Miami.The Flamboyant Trees is so admired, it is featured as the official tree in several countries, including  Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Israel, St. Kitts and Nevis, Vietnam, Taiwan, and in several Provinces in China.

Flamboyant Trees have cultural significance as well. In Mauritius and La Réunion they announce the coming of the new year.

Beautiful red Flamboyant Tree flowers reach towards the blue sky in Hawaii.

"Poinciana," a song by Nat Simon, with lyrics by Buddy Bernier, written in 1936, is based on a Cuban folk tune "La canción del árbol" (The Song of the Tree). It has become a standard,  covered by artists such as Glenn Miller, Bing Crosby, Ahmad Jamal, Frank Sinatra, Johnny Mathis, Nat King Cole, Keith Jarrett, and The Manhattan Transfer, to name a few.

Red Flamboyant Tree flowers in various stages of bloom.

Read more about Magnificent Trees in These Magnificent Trees Deserve & Need A Visit, Trees Can Make You More Beautiful Now and Old-Growth Glory In Bluegrass: Venerable Trees.

And check out more beautiful things happening now in BN Mind/Body, Soul/Impact, Nature/Science, Food/Drink, Arts/Design, and Place/Time, Daily Fix posts.

Red petals shed from Flamboyant Trees are scattered in the street.

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Bird feather brushes pollen from Flamboyant Tree flower.


  1. Image: by Yash raina.  “Gulmohar (Delonix regia) flower.” New Delhi, India.
  2. Image: by Jonathan Wilkins. Delonix regia.
  3. Image: by Ralph Green. “Singing Honeyeater.” Delonix regia. Perth, Australia.
  4. Image: by Scott Zona. “Delonix regia.” South Miami, FL.
  5. Image: by Wendy Cutler. “River St Royal Poinciana Cutler.” Delonix regia. Honolulu, HI.
  6. Image: by Carl Lewis. “Delonix regia.”
  7. Image: by Shenghung Lin. Delonix regia.
  8. Image: by Scott Zona. “Delonix regia pollen + feather.”