Whenever I see animal couples, my heart beats with theirs. When animal lovers not only excite each other but hold each other close, tend to each other, support each other, and are devoted as everlasting mates -- when they mourn each others’ loss, when they are lonely without each other -- I marvel and admire their species.
Here are 10 beautiful animal couples happening in the world right now.
Swans fall in love with their mates when they are young, long before they even reach sexual maturity. And it’s a love that lasts. They live together, migrate together, and help each other to build their nests, incubate their eggs, and raise their kids.
Tiger couples are full of wild passion. The female starts by rolling around in building ecstasy, waving her paws in the air, before she flips and crouches on her belly -- all why her lover watches. He is moved to stand over her and offer a few roars and nibbles at the nape of her neck. So sexy!
Male barn owls impress the ladies with beautiful aerial displays. Like ballet dancers in the sky they swoop and swirl, dive and hover over their intended in a “moth flight.”
They tempt their potential mates with a selection of potential nests. Then once they’ve sealed the deal, they bring their sweethearts breakfast in bed -- offering her more prey than she can possibly gobble down, to help her get ready to lay eggs.
They grow devoted to each other. And they mate for life.
Most seahorse couple have eyes only for each other. They stay together their whole lives. It might have something to do with their romantic tendencies. Check it out...
"Seahorse couples greet each other every morning with a unique dance that sometimes involves changing color," explains Project Seahorse. "The couple promenades and pirouettes together for several minutes before separating for the rest of the day. They greet each other as a way to confirm the other partner is still alive, reinforce their bond and synchronize their reproductive cycles."
Albatross, like humans, take a much longer time to reach puberty than most other animals do -- about 10 years. And, like humans, as teens, they “date” -- they flirt with lots of prospects, practicing their mating rituals. Finally, as young adults, like humans, many choose a mate ‘til death do they part.
Dolphin create strong long-lasting relationships with one another. Many don’t have a mating season -- they love sex all year round. They get jealous. And they get serious.
When gannets fall in love, it will be forever. It begins when the males find a place to call home. And if a female likes it well enough, she’ll come and move right in.
The pairs take separate vacations after their chicks leave the nest but they pair up again the following year.
Elephant couples are quite affectionate. They caress each other with their trunks -- and with more than 100,000 different muscles and more nerve endings in each trunk, that’s gotta feel really, really good.
Butterfly fish would rather live alone than settle for the wrong mate. And they are fairly particular. But once the perfect mates find each other, they’ll do just about anything they can to stay together forever. If they get separated for some reason, they’ll risk harm or even death to find each other again.
Flamingo make beautiful couples… not just because they double the pink, but because of how they help each other through life -- sharing the nesting duties -- in fact they find sharing sexy! That’s when the lovemaking begins.
Read more about Beautiful Couples, as it relates to Arts/Design, Nature/Science, Food/Drink, Place/Time, Mind/Body, and Soul/Impact including 10 New Beautiful Couples Books Now.
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- Photo: by FHgitarre. Swan Couple in October Light.
- Photo: by Paul Bailey. True Love From The 'Heart.'
- Photo: by Jack Fiallos. White Tigers.
- Photo: by White Wolf Pack. Barn Owl Couple.
- Photo: by Romaine Guy. Couple.
- Photo: by David Cook. Black-browed Albatross (Thalassarche melanophris).
- Photo: by Patrik Jones. Deep Blue Dolphin Love.
- Photo: by Alan Wilson. Pair Bond.
- Photo: by Adrien Sifre. Tromperie.
- Photo: by Consulo Puchades. Butterfly Fishes.
- Photo: by Nathan Rupert. Flamingo Couple.
- Photo: by Gentle Sound. Flamingo couple @ bighwan.
- Photo: by Veli- Matti Virtanen. Swan Couple.