Arts Design


by Grant Haffner.


Grant Haffner’s beautiful technicolor landscapes are super-colorful portrayals of the roads near his home, on the East End of Long Island.

Haffner’s roads accentuate the single-point perspective that leads, infinitely, into the horizon, intersected, periodically, by utility poles and power lines. The landscape is reduced to bold lines of hot colors.

Created with a combination of acrylic, marker, pencil, and paint pen, on wood panels, the colored lines have energy. It feels as though we are cruising down the road, fast, under an expansive sky, as we stand still to gaze upon Heffner’s canvases.  

It is obvious that Haffner begins his creative process by driving himself down the roads, in quest of beautiful views. 

"When I drive I feel completely alive," Haffner says. "For a small moment, in between this place and that, I am free from reality. My truck and I become a motion of blurred color, barreling through space and time.” 

Haffner often takes Polaroids of the scenery, as reference for his paintings, so he can be more free to immerse in the experience of driving. "On the road I am a part of the painting. I am movement, color, sound, adventure and emotions. This is my landscape."

Haffner is represented by Damien A. Roman Fine Art.

Read more about Beautiful Colors, as it relates to Arts/Design, Nature/Science, Food/Drink, Place/Time, Mind/Body, and Soul/Impact including Check Out Our Favorite 10 New Books That Showcase the Beauty of Color, 11 Super Colorful New Species Discovered Now and Super Luscious Orange & Purple Sweets & Savories Now.


All images by Grant Haffner.

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