

Courtesy of Float Spa San Diego.
Courtesy of Float Spa San Diego.

We all began life floating. We, in our embryonic states, floated in our mothers’ wombs as we developed and got ready for life in a less fluid environment. And way before that, our primordial ancestors, single-celled first forms of life, emerged floating in our planet’s ancient seas.

Image by Thomas Hawk. Floats.

So it makes sense that floating has positive effects, both on our bodies and our minds. Since the 1960’s, scientists have been studying how floating influences left and right brain activity, as well as its effects on muscles, biochemistry, healing, and more.

This hydrotherapy process is also known as restricted environmental stimulation technique (REST), flotation therapy, and isolation tank therapy -- it takes place in a floatation tank. 

Image by Stuart Anthony. The Diver.

When the brain is cut off from external stimuli, it begins to create its own, increasing right-brain thinking, encouraging intuition, imagination, and creativity. EEG measurements of brain activity while floating suggest that the left hemisphere quiets, while the right hemisphere awakens and dominates. 

Courtesy of Gravity Float Wellness

While flotation tanks have been around for about 40 years, floating is having a renaissance right now due to vastly improved float cabins as well as the popularity of mindfulness and meditation.

Courtesy of Beyond Rest. Floatation Tank.

The tanks offer a way to meditate completely, both physically and mentally. The mind and body go into an intense state of relaxation, expansion, and healing.

African Profile at Peace with the World.

What’s it like to experience this? Well, you lay (preferably naked), face-up in a tank of warm salt water. The salt concentration is higher than that of the Dead Sea, so you easily float, without any effort, in any position. In fact, you can experiment with different positions, including sitting.

Dark water

Your senses are suspended to a certain extent. It is dark, so you see nothing. It is totally quiet, so you hear nothing. And the water is the same temperature as your body, creating a seamless, borderless effect, so you feel nothing. 

Image by Rafael Edwards. Dark Water.

Gradually you relax all tension in your mind and body. As you float, you may experience moments of clarity or insight. Or, you might switch off completely, letting go of all thoughts.

Image by Hartwig HKD. Red Balloon.

Because your body isn’t fighting gravity, and your brain isn’t processing loads of sensory stimuli, your mind is free to explore in a theta state.  Theta brainwaves normally occur right before we fall asleep. It typically takes years of practice to achieve theta state through deep meditation. With floating, you can start producing theta brainwaves in 30 minutes.  

She Floats by Thomas Hawk.


  • Stimulates left/right brain synchronization
  • Shifts brainwaves from Beta (normal conscious activity) to lower frequency Alpha (relaxed, daydreaming state), to Theta (reduced consciousness between awake & sleep), to Delta (unconsciousness or deep sleep)
  • Creates mental clarity & focus
  • Increases creativity
  • Improves problem solving abilities
  • Expands visualization
  • Deepens meditation
  • Expands awareness
  • Intensifies acuteness of all the senses
  • Promotes total calm, peaceful relaxation
  • Decreases depression and anxiety.
  • Heavy salt concentration relieves muscle pain (reduces blood lactate levels)
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Reduces cortisol (stress hormone)
  • Increases dopamine (neurotransmitter associated with happiness).
  • Improves learning. Floating after studying can help you retain new learning.  

Image by Simon Harrod. Water Lily.

Renowned physicist Richard Feynman used to enjoy the expansive experience of floating, using it to help reconnect with his earliest memories.

Courtesy of Thaisolate Float Spa in Koh Samui, Thailand. Dream Pod, by Dream Pod.

There are several floatation vessel options to choose from. Some, like Dream Pod, FloatWorks “i-sopod,” and Evolution Float Pods, which resemble giant eggs with clamshell lids.

Some are rooms, like the Ocean Float Rooms at Lift, which are adorned with lights on the ceiling that look like stars. 

Courtesy of FloatWorks. i-sopod Floatation Tank.

You shower before and after each float. The water is purified 4 times in-between floats, using a combination of hydrogen peroxide and UV sterilizers, so you are always entering a clean experience.

Image by Smabs Sputzer. Floating.

People typically spend an hour floating in the tank, but some stay there overnight for a full 8 hours. Don’t worry about prune-skin. The salt levels in the water prevent that. Floating fans float anywhere from once per week to once per month.

Courtesy of Lift Floats. Float pod.

There are now more than 300 floatation spas in the U.S. Check out Just Float, recently opened in Pasadena, California. It is the world’s largest float therapy spa. Others we’ve investigated include Floatation Centre,Vibrant Sea, Lift/Next Level Floats, Gravity Float Wellness, and Just Float. Or check FloatationLocations to find your local float center. Or buy your own tank at FloatationTanks

Image by Horia Varlan. Old Water Lily Leaf Floating in a Pond.

Read more about Beautiful Pools in A New Floating Beauty Awakens, 10 Most Beautiful Natural Pools In The World, 10 Most Beautiful Poolside Cocktails Now, Beautiful Pools as an Artist’s Medium Now, and See 10 Most Beautiful Pools in the World Now.

And check out more beautiful things happening now in BN Arts/Design, Nature/Science, Food/Drink, Place/Time, Mind/Body, and Soul/Impact Daily Fix posts.

Image by Helena Cuerva. Zen Buddah.

Image by Norsez Oh. Plumeria Floating in a Jar.


  1. Image: Courtesy of Float Spa San Diego.
  2. Image: by Thomas Hawk. “Floats.”
  3. Image: by Stuart Anthony. “The Diver.”
  4. Image: Courtesy of Gravity Float Wellness.
  5. Image: Courtesy of Beyond Rest. “Floatation Tank.”
  6. Image: by Ken Bosma. “African Profile at Peace with the World.”
  7. Image: by Rafael Edwards. “Dark Water.”
  8. Image: by Amanda. “Floating.”
  9. Image: by Hartwig HKD. “Red Balloon.”
  10. Image: by Thomas Hawk. “She Floats.”
  11. Image: by Simon Harrod. “Water Lily.”
  12. Image: Courtesy of Thaisolate Float Spa in Koh Samui, Thailand. “Dream Pod,” by Dream Pod.
  13. Image: Courtesy of FloatWorks. “i-sopod Floatation Tank.”
  14. Image: by Smabs Sputzer. “Floating.”
  15. Image: Courtesy of Lift Floats. Float pod.
  16. Image: by Horia Varlan. “Old Water Lily Leaf Floating in a Pond.”
  17. Image: by Helena Cuerva. “Zen Buddah.”
  18. Image: by BN App - Download now!
  19. Image: by Norsez Oh. “Plumeria Floating in a Jar.”