Kenya is a bird paradise. There are over 1100 species found here. Many are migratory. Eight are endemic, 75 are rarely found here or “accidental,” and 2 have been introduced by humans. Kenya holds the world-record bird watch, with 342 species seen in 24 hours!
From the largest ostriches to the tiniest estrildid finches, you will see an incredible spectrum of feathered friends here. The lilac-breasted roller and the rooster are Kenya's national birds. And beyond these, the diversity is astonishing due to the highly varied topography and climatic conditions.
Dry savannas, verdant forests, snow-capped volcanoes, mangrove-fringed mudflats, deserts, lakes, rugged mountains, and rich grasslands each have their own variety of bird populations. Many of them can be seen in Kenya National Parks.
Birding is beautiful in Kenya any time of year. Your choice of season depends on what you want most to see. Visit in June and July, during the great migrations, and you’ll get the bonus of wildebeest river crossings, although it is dry and some birds are not in peak plumage.
The rainy seasons of April and November coincide with migration of birds from and to Europe and Asia, so you will see more variety.
Between October and February, many palearctic migrants touch down on Kenya's marine and inland shorelines.
Head to Kenya’s forests and highland grasslands to see Kenya’s rarest, indigenous and unfortunately endangered birds. Arabuko-Sokoke Forest is home to 6 threatened bird species: the Sokoke Scops Owl, Sokoke Pipit, Spotted Ground Thrush, East Coast Akalat, Amani Sunbird and Clarke’s Weaver.
Forest “islands,” at the top of the Taita Hills, are home to rarities such as the critically endangered Taita Thrush, Taita Apalis, and Taita White-eye.
The Guineo-Congolian rainforest is home to Turacos, Hornbills, and tiny Turner’s Eremomelas.
Papyrus Yellow Warblers, Papyrus Gonoleks, White-winged Warblers, and Papyrus Canaries, make their homes in papyrus swamps on the shores of Lake Victoria.
Nakuru National Park is all pink, with millions of flamingos. Thousands of pelicans, storks, herons, and other and shorebirds all peacefully coexist. The adjacent woodlands are a-twitter with barbets, woodpeckers, honeyguides, and starlings.
Lake Naivasha in the Rift Valley is another popular spot for water and wading birds.
The magnificent Masai Mara, which includes the northern portion of the Serengeti system, gives you a totally different experience, with spectacular vistas over grassy plains, where you’ll see plenty of East Africa’s larger wildlife, including lions, leopards, cheetahs, elephants, giraffes, gazelles, and more. Birds include large raptors and vultures that gather at the kills.
There are over 500 recorded species at Masai Mara, including the Corncrake, Grey crested Helmet Shrike, Lesser Kestrel, Madagascar Squacco Heron, Saddle Billed Stork, Secretary Bird, Ostrich, White headed Vulture, Lilac Breasted Roller, Yellow billed Ox pecker, and Martial Eagle.
At Amboseli, over 400 species including at least 40 raptors have been recorded. You’ll also see the Lesser Flamingo, many ducks, darters, and herons nest in the wetlands.
Samburu and Buffalo Springs National Reserve have over 380 recorded species including arid endemics such as Donaldson-Smith’s Sparrow Weaver, Shining Sunbird and the Bristle Crowned Starling, many Vulturine Guinea fowl, several Hornbill species, Somali Ostrich, and rare species such as the Taita Falcon, migratory Kestrels, and William’s Lark.
Head to Tsavo to see the rare Basra Reed Warbler, Friedmann’s Lark, Ostrich, Blue Quail, Violet Wood hoopoe, Martial and Crowned Eagle.
The Tana River Delta attracts an average population of around 20,000 water birds, including Pelicans, Egrets, Storks, Flamingos, Geese, and many shorebirds. The surrounding forests are home to the rare Southern Banded Snake Eagle, East Coast Akalat, Malindi Pipit, Basra Reed Warbler, Pel’s Fishing Owl, Violet Wood Hoopoe, Scaly babbler, and the Tana River Cisticola.
See coastal birds along the South Coast. Adjacent forests hold Fischer’s Turacos, Southern Banded Snake Eagles, Little Yellow Flycatchers, Uluguru Violet Backed Sunbirds, and 33 other forest dependent species.
With dozens of other regions rife with birdlife, we could go on and on… and so can you.
Now that we’ve whet your appetite, we suggest that you check out local bird guides to increase your bird citing success while supporting the conservation and the local community.
There are some marvelous bird tours offered that give you maximum access to the greatest range and best photo opportunities.
Tropical Birding offers a fabulous Birding with a Camera Tour as well the Kenya: The Coolest Trip in Africa tour. Birdquest Tours offers 4x4 Land Rovers or Toyota Landcruisers that have been specially adapted for safari work, with large roof hatches that make observation and photography easy.
The tours typically begin each day at the crack of dawn and stay out until sunset, to take advantage of the best light. Best to bring 2 cameras -- one with a big lens (500-600 mm), and another with a fairly wide zoom (e.g. 100-400 or 70-300) -- so you don’t need to keep changing lenses.
For more info on Kenya’s beautiful birds, check out The Clements Checklist of Birds of the World, African Bird Club's Checklist of the Birds of Kenya, and Birds of Kenya at World Institute for Conservation and Environment.
For great tips and info about beautiful birdwatching, check out HobbyHelp.
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