A little bit of madness can be a beautiful thing! Big news coming from a number of recent scientific studies have shown that taking tiny amounts of LSD and some other psychedelic substances can improve brain function as well as alleviate depression, addiction, anxiety, and PTSD.
Microdoses contain 10 micrograms vs the 250 microgram doses of famed 1960s trips. Microdosing does not produce hallucinations or impaired functioning.
LSD was first discovered by Albert Hofmann in Switzerland in 1938, derived from ergotamine, a chemical from the fungus ergot. Hofmann, who lived until 102, found that microdosing clarified his thinking. Francis Crick, the Nobel Prize-winning father of modern genetics, was a regular user of LSD. Neuroscientist Oliver Sacks related LSD use to his ability to better empathize with his patients.
Early on, LSD was seen as a treatment for psychiatric disorders and experimental mental health research continued through the 1950’s. It became fashionable to the Hollywood set. Cary Grant credited LSD with giving him a "second youth."
But in 1966, Psychedelic compounds, including lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), mescaline, and psilocybin, which can produce hallucinations and other altered states of consciousness, were classified as Schedule 1 illegal drugs in the US and the UK.
As society is changing its outlook and legislation around cannabis, moving it towards full legalization, LSD and other psychedelics are being reconsidered via above-board scientific research and underground usage.
A psychedelic renaissance is underway. It began its in the Silicon Valley tech community, where Steve Jobs, Apple founder and CEO, said LSD was "a profound experience, one of the most important things in my life."
Quite a few tech stars and wannabes microdose regularly. They claim that it helps their flow.
It aids lateral thinking and encourages more empathetic interpersonal relations. Users report that it turns their minds into supercomputers, enabling them to visualise, shuffle, and recombine ideas. They also report sleeping better, exercising more, and eating in a more healthy way.
Many claim that LSD has helped them to create the big ideas that create big wealth. Bitcoin, for example, was originally founded as a means to pay for psychedelics sold via internet cryptomarkets.
Google searches for LSD more than doubled in past few years. Traditional South American brew ayahuasca has grown increasingly popular in the United States, as have MDMA and psilocybin mushrooms.
In 2014, in the first scientific studies on human subjects resumed. And, recently, psychedelics users are becoming more vocal about the ways in which microdosing has positively transformed their lives.
Recently, scientists visualized the effects of LSD on the human brain, using brain scanning and other techniques. Using an fMRI, researchers at Imperial College London scanned 20 brains under the influence of LSD and 20 brains on placebo.
The scans showed that the visual cortex became much more active and blood flow to visual regions also increased. In addition, volunteers experienced “ego-dissolution” and a heightened sense of connection with others and the world around them.
LSD researcher James Fadiman has found evidence that regular microdosing can improve health. Because LSD is not addictive and has not been shown to have harmful side effects, Fadiman, like a growing number of scientists, believes it is far safer than legal medications.
Rick Doblin, founder of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), began to cut through research red tape to conduct basic safety studies back in the mid 1980s. Now MAPS is working to influence policy, support a network of trained psychedelic therapists, and provide risk reduction services at festivals around the world.
Amanda Feilding, Director of the Beckley Foundation, which studies psychedelics, believes in the potential of LSD, not only to heal, but also to deepen our understanding of consciousness itself. Beckley and MAPS are hosting Psychedelic Science 2017 this April.
Proponents of legalization are making the argument for cognitive freedom. Early polling shows the tides are turning, even in some conservative states. In South Carolina, some 59% of primary voters supported decriminalization of drug possession as exists in Portugal and the Netherlands.
Could microdosing LSD be like a magic cup of coffee?
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- Image: by brillianthues. “Fall Frenzy.”
- Image: by Nathan Rupert. “Psychedelic!”
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- Image: by César.Gutiérrez. Untitled.
- Image: by AJ. “Psychedelic 070707.”
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- Image: by Maurice Mikkers. “Brain imaging study on LSD!”
- Image: Courtesy of Imperial College London. Neuroimaging scans show of the effects of LSD on the human brain.
- Image: Courtesy of Imperial College London & The Beckley Foundation. “This image shows how much more of the brain contributes to the visual experience under LSD than under placebo.”
- Image: by Q Thomas Bower. “Dragonfly - Fractal Mosaic.”
- Image: Matt. “Psychedelic Planet.”
- Image: by Claire. “Psychedelic!”
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- Image: by Marcello. “Psychedelic.”
- Image: by FHG Photo. “Glass Lillies.”
- Image: by Rich Childs. “Psychedelic.”