Nature Science


Hyde Park Bench in Spring by Michele Bergh

Today we are reveling in the tech that can bring us more Beautiful Reads. But we long to use these apps while sitting on a park bench, under a shady tree, sinking into a hammock on the back lawn, or any beautiful place, where we can breathe the fresh cool springtime as it starts to roll in.



Admit it. You’d love to read more -- but you get stopped because you “don’t have time.” DailyLit is a wonderful app that delivers great fiction and non-fiction books to your phone or tablet in chunks that take no more than 15 minutes to read!

That’s right. You’ve got 15 minutes. Just pick the book you want to read from DailyLit’s extensive list, decide when you want to schedule your first installment, and off you go. Whenever you’re done reading your chunk, you can always ask for another and DailyLit will keep ‘em coming. Or simply schedule the 15-minute chunks to arrive daily at your preferred time.

DailyLit’s huge library of modern works and classics is supplemented by new short stories and serial novels written just for them. It’s a great way to bring more Beautiful Reads to your life.


3D Classic Literature Collection is a visually beautiful way to read your favorite classics digitally.

This app is attempting to give you the look and feel -- and even sound --  of reading the actual leather-bound book. Each book is recreated in full 3D. You can select your book and “take it off the shelf.” You can open it to any page and you can immerse in the experience.  You’ll hear the old book covers creaking. When you swipe, you will hear the sounds of the pages turning. Now about that musty old bookstore scent…..

 "Shockingly high-quality" ~ Smokin Apps


Wattpad provides a twist to the traditional reading and writing experience. It is a combined social media platform and ebook library. Wattpad allows users to submit their own work, vote for writings submitted by others, and comment.

Thousands of new stories are added daily. You can easily find any story. And you can write any story. Wattpad is a great way to read the works of fresh new authors…. and to become one yourself!



Spritz claims to be a game changer. You might be reading 250 words per minutes now, but it touts that it can get you up to 1000 WPM.

The app works by showing the reader one word at a time -- in rapid fire. Sounds like a tedious process. But the idea is that it reduces the effort and time it takes to move your eyes from word to word. Spritz says that’s as much as 80% of reading time.

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Storyville is a subscription based web service dedicated to providing readers with high caliber short stories. Simply sign up and enjoy a new short story every week. Stories are pulled from both classic shorts and newly written submissions to the site.


  1. SPINE

Spine is a micro-story app. This is all about a short-short-short story.

Users write 5 sentence short stories in any category, from romance to comedy. They publish their story to the app, and the Spine community rates, likes, shares, and comments. Let’s see…

It floated past her window, dragging her eyes along with it, before it set down on her neighbor’s lawn. Valerie knew it had come from the open window of Keller’s study and she knew that it would quickly be replaced by a better idea. He did not disappoint. The formula worked. Peace at last.



Oyster functions like the Spotify or Netflix of reading. Users pay a monthly fee for mobile unlimited access to a massive library of over 200,000 books, including both classics and modern works. You are bound to find something good to read.

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If you don’t have time to read it now, just put it in your Pocket. Pocket is an app that allows users to store content they find online so they can read it later. It’s easy to stack up your reading library. And you don’t need an internet connection to read anything stored in the app. Pocket is integrated for use with over 500 major apps.



Want to get more out of your reading?

iReadItNow lets users keep track of how much they read and how well they read. With a variety of statistics available, ranging from the number of pages read, to number of notes and underlines added, iReadItNow is a great way to keep track of your reading and improve your reading habits.

Of course, you can also read your books in the app itself.



If you don’t have time to sit with a book, or if you’d just rather have someone read it to you, Audible is great app for you. Audible provides over 150,000 audiobooks to its subscribers. They are great for commutes or long drives and flights. They seem to get you wherever you are going faster!

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Read more about Beautiful Spring, it relates toArts/Design,Nature/Science,Food/Drink, Place/Time,Mind/Body, and Soul/Impact including The Best of Most Beautiful Reads.

And check out our list of the most Beautiful Books to give here.

Enter this week’sBN Creative Competition. Our theme this week is Beautiful Reads. Deadline is 03.30.14.


  1. Photo: by Michele Bergh. Hyde Park Bench.
  2. Photo: by Rich Hoeg. Brighton Beach Bench.
  3. Image: Courtesy of StoryToys Entertainment Limited.
  4. Photo: Eva Peris. “Lonely Bench” at Castello de la Plana, Spain.
  5. Photo: Courtesy of Alfred’s Gardens. Reading Bench.
  6. Photo: by The Mighty Quill. Victoria Park Bench.
  7. Photo: Courtesy of Mooseys Country Garden. Garden Bench Seat.
  8. Photo: Courtesy of Gone to Croatoan. Tree hammock.
  9. Photo: Courtesy of Rock Eddy Bluff Farm. Porch Hammock.
  10. Photo: Courtesy of Ting London. Ting Sling Hammock.
  11. Photo: Courtesy of Kilee Travels. Hammock in Koh Phangan Thailand.