While most of the glory goes to trees and flowers, there’s great beauty to be found in tiny seeds.
A seed is an embryonic plant enclosed in a protective outer covering. They are produced by a plant’s ripened ovule, after it is fertilized by pollen.
Seed plants now dominate biological niches on land, from forests to grasslands in most climates.
With bright colors, fascinating shapes and textures, and clever methods of distribution and propagation, seeds offer a whole new source of beauty to consider. Check out these beautiful seed bombs, for examples.
Microscopic views of seeds reveal even more beauty. Many seeds are edible, delicious, and quite nutritious. Pomegranate seeds are like scrumptious jewels.
But many seeds are just simply beautiful to see in their own right. Check out our picks below.
The Physalis Alkekengi, also knows as the Chinese Lantern, Bladder cherry, Japanese lantern, or Winter cherry, is cherished for its bright orange fruit.
During summer, their tiny white flowers grow into papery husks that resemble lanterns. In autumn, the husks partially disintegrate, forming delicate lacy cages that encapsulate their seeds.
There are over 300 varieties of clematis, each with its own special blossoms, in a variety of colors. What they have in common are the unique wispy curly tendrils that emanate from their seeds. Seeds collected from hybrid clematis will usually not breed true to the parent. If you plant them, it could create an exciting new cultivar.
The evergreen Strawberry Bush (Euonymus Americanus), is prized for its beautiful red and pink colored seed pods and seeds. Also known as Bursting Hearts, this shrub’s seed pods burst open in the midsummer, scattering its seeds up to 15 feet away.
Magnolia trees have been pushing out the most beautiful blossoms each spring for over 95 million years, before bees even existed. They developed to enable pollination by beetles. Named after the French botanist, Pierre Magnol, with over 210 varieties now in existence, they each have gorgeous bright red seeds.
Nickernuts are the smooth, shiny seeds of the warri tree (Caesalpinia bonduc). The word “nicker” probably derives from the Dutch word "knikker," which means “clay marble.”
In the Caribbean, nickernuts are used to play mancala games, to make jewellery, and are ground up to make a medicinal tea.
The seeds are also known as “sea pearls,” as they are often found on the beach. Their spiked pods help the seeds float in the water along the Gulf Stream, carrying them long distances for germination in Orkney and other Hebrides Islands off the coast of Scotland.
Traveller palm seeds have beautiful bright blue husks.
The Traveller’s Palm (Ravenala Madagascariensis) is not a palm but rather a member of the bird of paradise family. It is native to Madagascar. It got its colloquial name because its leaves catch rainwater that stranded travelers can use to quench their thirst.
The balloon plant (Gomphocarpus physocarpus), is a member of the milkweed family, which originated in East Africa and spread worldwide thanks to its silky tufted seeds which are easily carried by the wind. It is the primary food source of the caterpillars of Danaus butterflies, including the monarch butterfly.
Lotus flowers (Nelumbo nucifera) produce beautiful seed head that resemble watering can sprinklers. The seeds, flowers, young leaves and roots are all edible. One of their most beautiful uses is in seasonal mooncakes. See more edible lotus seed inspiration here.
Geranium flowers, a favorite old-fashioned garden staple, has surprisingly delicate tufted seeds. Cranesbill geraniums sprout a long column that resembles a crane, which springs open to release and propel the seeds.
Love-in-a-Mist, or Nigella seeds are not only beautiful looking, with their feathery fringed pods, they are enjoyed in North African and Asian dishes, lending an oregano-like flavor. They are currently being studied as potential treatments for type 2 diabetes, asthma, and colon cancer.
Moonflowers (Datura) have lush flowers that are both beautiful and poisonous. Also known as devil's trumpets or jimsonweed, the inner chambers of its spiked pods resemble a human brain.
Read more about Tiny Beautiful Things in 10 Tiny Beautiful Countries to Visit Now, Tiny Ripples, Moments & Sparks and Tiny Ripples, Moments & Sparks.
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- Image: by Bernd Thaller. “Physalis alkekengi.” Chinese Lantern pod and seed.
- Image: by Owen Benson. “The shrivelled core of my heart.” Physalis alkekengi. Chinese Lantern pod and seed.
- Image: by J Brew. “Seed Pods.” Physalis alkekengi. Chinese Lantern pods and seeds.
- Image: Susannah Anderson. “Wet clematis seeds.” Clematis Seeds.
- Image: by Steve Snodgrass. “Seeds, Pod & Leaves.” Euonymus americanus. Strawberry bush seeds and pod.
- Image: by CameliaTWU. “Details of magnolia fruit and seed.”
- Image: by Bob Peterson. “Caesalpinia bonduc (Gray Nicker Bean) Seeds.” Caesalpinia bonduc. Nickernut seed pod and seeds.
- Image: by ajinkya gadave. “Traveller palm seeds.” Ravenala Madagascariensis. Traveller palm seeds.
- Image: by David Edwards. “Milkweed pods.” Balloon Plant. Gomphocarpus physocarpus. Milkweed seed pods.
- Image: by T Sea. “Alien Pods.” Nelumbo nucifera. Lotus seed heads.
- Image: by Hornbeam Arts. “Cranesbill.” Cranesbill geranium seeds.
- Image: by storebukkebruse. “Nigella Sativa seed capsules.” Nigella Sativa seed pods.
- Image: by Corin Royal Drummond. Moonflower seed pod and seeds.
- Image: by Bill Gracey.”Datura Seed pods.” Moonflower (Datura) seed pods.
- Image: by Emorsgate Seeds. “Geranium dissectum.” Cut-leaved cranesbill geranium seeds.
- Image: by Dick Culbert. “Gomphocarpus physocarpus.” Balloon Plant seed pods.