

“A Baby Fisher Kit popping out of a den,” by Jeff Wendorff.
by Jeff Wendorff. “A Baby Fisher Kit popping out of a den.”


Baby animals are especially beautiful. It’s a pretty universally accepted fact of life. It’s hard to resist feeling it when presented with a photo of all babies, with few if any exceptions.

Jeff Wendorff Photography. Black Bear cub.

We love photographer Jeff Wendorff’s baby animal pics for their wild and sweet nature, and we’re not alone.

Wendorff, a full time professional outdoor and wildlife photographer and workshop leader, leads a special Baby Wildlife Photography Workshop.

Jeff Wendorff Photography. Baby bobcat.

As with all of his workshops, Wendorff has photographed the baby animal locations many times, so he knows the best spots to find them at their best.

Jeff Wendorff Photography. Baby Tiger.

Soft morning light and low golden evening light are Wendorff’s favorite time to shoot. He fills the rest of his days with teaching and post production activities.

Jeff Wendorff Photography. Baby Elephant.

After his first trip to Africa, Wendorff, a longtime wildlife enthusiast, turned his passion into a professional pursuit with the encouragement of his friend and photography mentor, David Middleton.

Jeff Wendorff Photography. Baby Racoon.

The photography workshop provides a rare opportunity to focus your camera on wild baby animals in magnificent setting. You will get the opportunity to meet up with at least 8 species.

Jeff Wendorff Photography. Coyote pup

There’s no way to know in advance exactly how many species or even which species you will be photographing each day. But Wendorff makes a plan the night before the workshop, which is usually accurate.

Jeff Wendorff Photography. Tundra wold pup.

After each day’s photo safari, Wendorff reviews each participant's photos, offering critiques and advice. He also teaches photography principles and techniques.

If you aren’t ready to take a workshop, but would love some beautiful photos, check you can purchase Wendorff’s prints here.

Jeff Wendorff Photography. Gre Fox kit.

Read more about Beautiful Spectrums in 10 Precious Images & Ideas About The Beauty of Youth, Beautiful Baby Superstars Seen For The First Time Now, Edible Pretty Young Things, Old Masters Inspire The Beauty Of Youth In These Incredible Portraits and MB.

And check out more beautiful things happening now in BN Arts/Design, Nature/Science, Food/Drink, Place/Time, Mind/Body, and Soul/Impact Daily Fix posts.

Image by Jeff Wendorff

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Image by Jeff Wendorff Arctic Fox Vulpes vulpes


  1. Image: by Jeff Wendorff. “A baby Fisher Kitt popping out of a den.”
  2. Image: by Jeff Wendorff. “Black Bear Cub.”
  3. Image: by Jeff Wendorff. “Baby Bobcat (Lynx rufus).”
  4. Image: by Jeff Wendorff. “Baby Tiger.”
  5. Image: by Jeff Wendorff. “Baby Elephant under the feet of her mother and siblings.”
  6. Image: by Jeff Wendorff. “Young Raccoon in a hollow log with wildflowers.”
  7. Image: by Jeff Wendorff. “Coyote Pup in a hollow log in spring.”
  8. Image: by Jeff Wendorff. “Tundra Wolf, mother and pup.”
  9. Image: by Jeff Wendorff. “Grey Fox Kit looking out of a log.”
  10. Image: by Jeff Wendorff. Untitled.
  11. Image: by BN App - Download now!
  12. Image: by Jeff Wendorff. “Arctic Fox, (Vulpes vulpes).”