Arts Design


“Purple psychedelic flowers,” by FreeUsePhotos.
by FreeUsePhotos. “Purple psychedelic flowers.”

Violets inspire romance, art, and deep emotion. The BeautifulNow Team has curated 10 of the most beautiful violet images & sentiments in this BeautifulNow Daily Fix. Check them out below.

by FreeUsePhotos. “Purple psychedelic flowers.”

The violet's message was "Keep up your courage, stay true to what you believe in."

-- Jessica Stern, “Denial: A Memoir of Terror.”

by Anne Arnould. Untitled.

“Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.”

-- Mark Twain

by TB1_79_2001. “Violet Moon.”

“We'll have a drink and toast to ourselves
Under a violet Moon.”

-- Ritchie Blackmore, “Under a Violet Moon.”

by Judy Merrill-Smith. “Violets.”

“Light and beauty enveloped her. She had fallen on to a little open terrace, which was covered with violets from end to end.”

-- E.M. Forster, “A Room with a View.”

by Ville Mononen. “Amethyst macrotube test.”

“Do you think amethysts can be the souls of good violets?”

-- L.M. Montgomery, “Anne of Green Gables.”

by Howard Jefferson. “Violets and barn.”

“Cold blows the wind against the hill, And cold upon the plain; I sit me by the bank, until The violets come again.”

-- Richard Garnett

by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center. “Trigger-Happy Star Formation (NASA, Chandra)”

“The violets prattle and titter, And gaze on the stars high above.”

-- Heinrich Heine

by David Reid. “Violet.”

“The modest, lowly violet In leaves of tender green is set; So rich she cannot hide from view, But covers all the bank with blue.”

-- Dora Read Goodale

by andiezoe. “My mom picked me a bouquet of thirty eight violets for my birthday celebration.”

"When you talk to me I smell violets.”

-- L.M. Montgomery, “Anne of Windy Poplars.”

by Nancy Waldman. “Violets and Rocks.”

“The violets in the mountains have broken the rocks.”

-- Tennessee Williams, “Camino Real.”

by Alexander Tarasiuk. “Violas in the snow.”

“Stars will blossom in the darkness, Violets bloom beneath the snow.”

-- Julia C.R. Dorr

by Alexander Tarasiuk. “Violas in the snow.”

Read more about Beautiful Violet all this week on BeautifulNow.

And check out more beautiful things happening now in BN Arts/Design, Nature/Science, Food/Drink, Place/Time, Mind/Body, and Soul/Impact Daily Fix posts.

by Alosh Bennett. “Violet sun.”

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by Ese-emon. “Violet carpet.”


  1. Image: by FreeUsePhotos. “Purple psychedelic flowers.”
  2. Image: by Justin Kern. “One Tree Hill.”
  3. Image: by Anne Arnould. Untitled.
  4. Image: by TB1_79_2001. “Violet Moon.”
  5. Image: by Judy Merrill-Smith. “Violets.”
  6. Image: by Ville Mononen. “Amethyst macrotube test.”
  7. Image: by Howard Jefferson. “Violets and barn.”
  8. Image: by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center. “Trigger-Happy Star Formation (NASA, Chandra)”
  9. Image: by David Reid. “Violet.”
  10. Image: by andiezoe. “My mom picked me a bouquet of thirty eight violets for my birthday celebration.”
  11. Image: by Nancy Waldman. “Violets and Rocks.”
  12. Image: by Alexander Tarasiuk. “Violas in the snow.”
  13. Image: by FUMIGRAPHIK_Photographist. “Walking.”
  14. Image: by Alosh Bennett. “Violet sun.”
  15. Image: by BN App - Download now!
  16. Image: by Ese-emon. “Violet carpet.”